[Fai-commit] r3113 - trunk/bin

Henning Glawe glaweh at physik.fu-berlin.de
Mon Nov 28 15:41:15 CET 2005

On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 03:29:25PM +0100, Steffen Grunewald wrote:
> > > this is a no-op. if you call it m-f-bootfloppy, it should actually create a
> > > bootfloppy. and I have never seen any of these 2.88M floppy drives.
> > 
> > cd-booting with el-torrito images uses 2.88M "floppies", that's where it 
> > usefull for...
> and I use memdisk with 2.88 MB floppy images to perform drive fitness tests,
> disk partitioning (using an enhanced tomsrootboot floppy disk image)
> and the like (with tftp back to the server so the next reboot will pick up
> a different PXE configuration :)
> Even if there are no *drives* around - the images are still useful.

yes, but not as the DEFAULT selection in a tool with the purpose to produce

c u

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