Managing Tool for faireps

Jan Jansen maillist_jan at
Fri Aug 26 20:45:08 CEST 2005

I'm developing a bash-based tool to manage a fai repository (with cvs
support). It performs actions on full classes like deleting,
moving/renaming, updates classes's files/ recursively and creates full
filetrees. An information mode on classes is also included. All actions can
be performed on remote repositorys (and from remote source root
environments) via ssh/rsh.

ftool -f user at fairep:fai update -r root at faisrc:/ -E CLASS host
...would update all files corresponding to class host and all subclasses,
except files belonging to CLASS in fairep user at fairep:fai from src path
root at faisrc:/

Another example:
ftool delete CLASS
...would use the current directory as fairep and deleting all files,
classfiles, hooks and scripts belonging to that class and removing them form
cvs afterwards if its a cvs rep.

And the last:
ftool move CLASS1 CLASS2 CLASS
...would move/rename all files of CLASS1 to CLASS and then the same with
CLASS2. Existing files will for each step be overwritten. All removed files
will be removed and all new files will be added, if its a cvs rep.

By the way, it still devels and could be a little buggy (contributions to 
the code welcome, i'll mail it to you)...

I simply want to see if there is a use for others, if its so (or if not),
please reply to this posting...

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