nfs over tcp

Henning Glawe glaweh at
Mon Aug 15 17:46:31 CEST 2005

IMHO it would be good to nfs-mount the debmirror over tcp instead of udp,
because nfs over udp can be unreliable when gigabit ethernet is in use.
linux supports this both as client and server, though I don't know if this
might fail on another os...

you can try this by inserting the following line into /etc/fai/fai.conf:

romountopt="-o async,noatime,nolock,ro,actimeo=1800,tcp"

for me, it improved nfs reliability quite a lot; performance tends to
_increase_ according to my observations, though I expected a slight decrease
due to the tcp overhead (may be related to better error/timeout handling in
the tcp layer).
what are your opinions about setting this as FAI's default?

c u

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