[DiXiT] DiXiT workshop "Code and Collation: training textual scholars | Amsterdam, 2-4 November 2016

Franz Fischer franz.fischer at uni-koeln.de
Sun Jun 5 18:08:45 CEST 2016

[On behalf of Elli Bleeker]

Dear community,

**with apologies for the inevitable cross-posting**

We are pleased to announce a three-day workshop "Code and Collation: 
Training Textual Scholars" that takes place in Amsterdam (The 
Netherlands) from 2 - 4 November 2016. The event is part of the DiXiT 
network <http://dixit.uni-koeln.de/> and is hosted by the Huygens 
Institute for the History of the Netherlands 
<https://www.huygens.knaw.nl/?lang=en>. It brings together a group of 
international experts from the fields of textual scholarship and 
computer science.

The workshop engages with the theory and practice of semi-automated 
collation and provides an intense training in the open source collation 
program CollateX. Participants will learn how to prepare source 
materials, how to perform semi-automated collation using CollateX, and 
how to inspect and modify the results; they will acquire or improve 
computational skills relevant to textual criticism and in particular to 
the production of scholarly editions.

Registration is now open and free of charge. Early registration is 
recommended since there are limited places available. Detailed 
information can be found at the website: 
https://sites.google.com/site/dixitcodingcollation/. For all questions, 
do not hesitate to get in touch at dixitcollation[at]gmail[dot]com.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam!

On behalve of the organising committee,
--Elli Bleeker
University of Antwerp
Centre for Manuscript Genetics
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