[c3rdm-network] Invitation: Data Steward Network face-to-face Meeting, 21.6., 9-12:00

Jens Dierkes dierkes at ub.uni-koeln.de
Di Jun 18 06:56:21 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

Caring for/ managing research data is a complex task with a high level of responsibility. Although you may be working as the only data steward in a research project or discipline specific context, you are not alone. There are colleagues across campus, who face very similar challenges.

In March, we held our first virtual meeting [1] of research data management practitioners.

We would like to invite you to a face-to-face meeting of the Data Steward Network on 21 June from 9-12 a.m., Seminarraum I + II, EG, Room 0.03 and 0.04, Kerpener Str. 15 (Bldg. 124).

The aim of this face-to-face meeting is to get to know each other better, share your experiences and needs for further networking on data stewardship.

The programme is as follows:

Field report: Eik Dahms, TRR 341 Plant Ecological Genetics
Get to know each other
Community aspects: purpose, topics, and communication
Discussion, Q&A
Looking ahead

We’d love for you to register [2] for the event here until 20 June 2024.

You can find further information on our web page [3] and the documentation on HedgeDoc [4].

Thanks so much!
We look forward to seeing you in person.

Please forward this invitation to anyone who may be interested.

[1]	https://pad.otc.coscine.dev/ynGYg6BlT9yzkqQrex2HQw
 <https://pad.otc.coscine.dev/ynGYg6BlT9yzkqQrex2HQw>[2]	https://fdm.uni-koeln.de/anmeldungen-veranstaltungen
[3]	https://fdm.uni-koeln.de/netzwerkuzk
[4]	https://pad.otc.coscine.dev/FAiVuPXcTZOh7a6mLyCujg

Best wishes,
Jens Dierks

P.S.: Please join the RocketChat channel #DataStewardNetwork: 
Dr. Jens Dierkes (he/him)
University of Cologne :: University- and City Library
Deputy Head, Research and Publication Support
Universitätsstr. 33 :: D-50931 Cologne
Fon: +49 221 470-2389 :: Fax: +49 221 470-5166
E: dierkes at ub.uni-koeln.de <mailto:dierkes at ub.uni-koeln.de> :: W: www.ub.uni-koeln.de <http://www.ub.uni-koeln.de/> 
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0121-9261 <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0121-9261> 
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jens-dierkes-2681ab74 

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