Mailing List for the Research Seminar in Energy Economics

About the Mailing List (WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar)

This mailing list serves to inform interested parties about the Research Seminar in Energy Economics, offered by the Chair in Economics, Energy and Sustainability.

Researchers and students from the University of Cologne are invited to join the sessions. Please use your University of Cologne account ( to sign up for the mailing list.
Interested parties not affiliated with the University of Cologne may join by invitation or or may request to sign up by contacting the list moderator. Such requests should include a brief statement explaining their interest in joining the seminar.

For additional information, such as upcoming guest speakers and the topics they will present, please visit: Research Seminar in Energy Economics.

Subscribing to the Mailing List (WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar)

To subscribe to WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar, please fill out the form below. An email will be sent to you to confirm your subscription, ensuring that it's done with your consent.
In some cases, the email is redirected to the spam folder.
Once confirmed, your request will be reviewed by the list moderator. You'll receive an email notification regarding the moderator's decision.

Additionally, please note that this is a hidden list, meaning that the list of members is accessible only to the list administrator.

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What is two times three?

WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar Subscribers

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If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address

WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar Administrators

(The subscribers list is only available to the list administrator.)

Enter your admin address and password to visit the subscribers list:

Admin address: Password:   

WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar list run by wiso-energyeconresearchseminar-owner at
WISO-EnergyEconResearchSeminar administrative interface (requires authorization)
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