[Seminars in Neurosciences] Seminar on Monday - 12:00pm

Seminars in Neurosciences zoologie-neurokoll at uni-koeln.de
Mi Nov 7 17:27:07 CET 2012

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, dear Colleagues,

am kommenden Montag treffen wir uns zum ersten offiziellen  Vortrag im  
Rahmen des neurobiologischen Kolloquiums fuer dieses Semester/This  
coming Monday we will meet for first official talk of the semester in  
our Seminars in Neurosciences series.

Am Montag den 12.November 2012
um 12:00 s.t. (!!!!!!) spricht im Hörsaal des Biozentrums (0.024)/On  
Monday, November 12th, our guest in the lecture hall 0.024 of the   
Biocenter at 12:00pm (sharp) will be

Wolfgang Sommer, MD, PhD
Dept. of Psychopharmacology, Central Institute for Mental Health,  
University of Mannheim

“Towards translational predictors of treatment efficacy in alcoholism:  
Prefrontal glutamate responses in humans and rodents”

Gäste sind herzlich willkommen/ Guests are welcome!!

Link to the site where your colleagues/postdocs/students can join the list:

Dr. Matthias Gruhn
Universitaet zu Koeln
Institut für Zoologie/Abt.Tierphysiologie
Zimmer 1.514
Zülpicher Straße 47 b
50674 Koeln
# office: ++49-(0)221-470-3103
# lab:  ++49-(0)221-470-3122

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