[python-users] Scherzfrage

do_not_reply_to_this_address at t-online.de do_not_reply_to_this_address at t-online.de
Mi Mai 2 12:21:45 CEST 2012

In welchem Programmierparadigma programmiert dieser Programmierer 

import shutil
import os.path
import sys
if len(sys.argv)!=2:
     raise Exception("There has to be excatly on command line argument")
myfiles= [(x[0],"../test/"+sys.argv[1]+"."+sys.argv[1]) for x in myfiles]

def mycheck(f,s,p):
   if not p(os.path.exists(f)):
     raise Exception(s % f)

for f in myfiles:
   mycheck(f[0],"Could not read %s",lambda x: x)
   mycheck(f[1],"%s allready Exists",lambda x: not x)
for f in myfiles:
   shutil.copy(f[0], f[1])

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