[python-users] Python Camp

Ralf Schönian ralf at schoenian-online.de
Di Jun 12 05:30:19 CEST 2007

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin gerade über eine interessante Webseite gestolpert.


Aus der Site:

" To help us teach Python to the young people on the holiday, the 
LiveWires team produced a set of worksheets and a Python package (the 
LiveWires package) to go with them. We've decided to make these 
available to the world at large under open source licences. "Open 
source" means that, subject to a few conditions 
<http://www.livewires.org.uk/python/licence.html>, anyone can copy and 
modify this work. It's our way of giving something back to the Python 

Hier befinden sich bestimmt ein paar gute Ideen die für das Python Camp 
interessant sind.


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