simple question

Diego Zuccato diego.zuccato at
Wed Jul 3 06:46:51 CEST 2024

I'm using this /srv/fai/config/class/ based on the one 
linked by Thomas:
#! /bin/bash

mydisks() {

     find $* -type l -printf "%f %l\n" | grep -Pv 
'^md|-part\d|^wwn-|^nvme-eui|^nvme-nvme' | egrep '^scsi|^ata|^nvme' | 
sed -e 's#.*/##g'| tr '\n' ' '

# This is really important, because we use shell globbing for creating 
the list of disks
cd /dev/disk/by-id || echo Cannot get disk information


# can not use $0: script is sourced, not run explicitly !
echo "**** Testing $datadir/$HOSTNAME"
if [ -f $datadir/$HOSTNAME ] ; then
     # Source host-specific list. Can define a new list or override filter
     . $datadir/$HOSTNAME

if [ -z $newlist ]; then
     echo "newlist is empty, filter=$filter"
     newlist=$(mydisks $filter )

if [ -n "$newlist" ]; then
     echo New disklist in $newlist
     echo "disklist=\"$newlist\" # $0" >> $LOGDIR/additional.var

Then I can place a per-host script under 
/srv/fai/config/class/99-disklist.d/hostname to modify the list for 
. /usr/lib/fai/subroutines


I'll probably extend it a bit to also look for classes.


Il 02/07/2024 15:11, Harald Baumgartner ha scritto:
> Hello,
> hope it's the correct list.
> OS ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher
> is it possible to choose automatically the smaller disk?
> In my case there is a Dell Server with RAID-Controller, configured:
> sda = ca. 5 TB SSD for data - during install shall be not 
> touched/formatted...
> sdb = ca. 900 GB SAS = shall be root and OS installed
> In other cases, sda = ca. 300 TB (data) and sdb ca. 500 GB => for OS.
> Thanks,
> Harald

Diego Zuccato
DIFA - Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia
Servizi Informatici
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
V.le Berti-Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna - Italy
tel.: +39 051 20 95786

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