
Stefan Möding mail at moeding.net
Wed Apr 20 09:40:17 CEST 2022


I updated my current FAI setup to install the recently released
Ubuntu-22.04 with it.

Ubuntu-22.04 now uses the zstd(1) compression program for packages.  FAI
can't install these packages out of the box because debootstrap on
Debian-11 doesn't know about this compression format.  Here are the things
I changed.

1) Create the directory /srv/fai/config/debootstrap in my config space and
populate it with the content of the original /usr/share/debootstrap.
I didn't want to mess with the original files installed by Debian, so
I use a local copy that I can update for FAI.

2) Apply the attached patch "functions.patch" to
/srv/fai/config/debootstrap/functions.  This will add support for zstd

3) Apply the attached patch "mk-basefile.patch" to the mk-basefile script.
Now debootstrap will a) use the patched functions and b) use "ar" to
unpack the Ubuntu-22.04 packages.  Make sure you have the packages zstd
and binutils installed on the FAI server to provide the needed binaries.

These are the changes I made to create a basefile for Ubuntu-22.04.

The patches do not include other changes to support Ubuntu-22.04 with
mk-basefile to prevent to much noise.  Obviously the list of packages and
the name of the OS need to be configured.  Other files/scripts in the
config space also need to be updated.

Maybe this will get you started when you plan to include the new Ubuntu
release in your FAI setup.


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