Cryptsetup not found in PATH

bruno pinto pinto at
Wed Sep 8 14:08:07 CEST 2021

hello everyone, 
I have a problem installing a client. 
I would like to partition the client with cryptsetup but during the installation it gives me an error: "cryptsetup not found in the PATH" while I have installed cryptsetup in my server. 
My partition is called LVM CRYPT, here is its content:
 <type> <mountpoint> <size>   <fs type> <mount options> <misc options>

# entire disk with LVM, separate /home

disk_config disk1 disklabel:gpt bootable:1 fstabkey:uuid align-at:1M

primary /boot/efi 512M  vfat    rw
primary /boot   200     ext2    rw,noatime
primary -       4G-     -       -

disk_config cryptsetup
luks:"passwd" - disk1.3 -       -

disk_config lvm fstabkey:uuid
vg vg1  disk1.3
vg1-root     /       3G-50G   ext4    noatime,rw
vg1-swap     swap    200-4G   swap    sw
vg1-home     /home   600-     ext4    noatime,nosuid,nodev,rw

Can someone help me please?

Bruno FERREIRA PINTO    TEL:0164468580
Service Informatique
Universite Paris-Sud 11
Rue André Ampere Bt 200 Pce 033
BP 33 91898 Orsay Cédex

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