Dualboot-Installations fails for boot to Windows 10 after running fai

Markus Köberl markus.koeberl at tugraz.at
Tue Oct 5 20:50:50 CEST 2021

On Tuesday, 5 October 2021 19:41:27 CEST Sven Schumacher wrote:
> Hello Markus,
> thanks for your hint regarding the PARTUUIDs.
> I modified setup-storage (see attached file, Thomas, might by of
> interest) so it takes a look for preserved or resized partitions, and
> saves the PARTUUID before recreating the partition-table and setting
> them back afterwards using the mechanisms setup-storage already has.

As I am following a different approach I am not sure how much I can help.
Hopefully this will help you:

My disk_config:

disk_config disk1 disklabel:gpt align-at:1M fstabkey:uuid bootable:2
# windows boot partition
primary  -                   450      -     -
# uefi boot partition
primary  /boot/efi           100      vfat  rw
# windows reserved partition
primary  -                    16      -     -
# windows C:
primary  -                142773      -     -
primary  -                   859      -     -
# linux:
primary /                    50G      xfs   rw,noatime
primary /srv                 10G-     xfs   rw,noatime createopts="-L srv"
primary swap                  5G      swap  rw
primary  /home               13G      xfs   rw,noatime createopts="-L home"

An my mountdisks hooks code:

error=0; trap 'error=$(($?>$error?$?:$error))' ERR # save maximum error code

if [ -z "$BOOT_DEVICE" ]; then
    exit 189

# Disk GUID
sgdisk --disk-guid=692A8440-E7A6-4F1E-8D8E-B6ABF895F247 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
# Partiton GUID
sgdisk --partition-guid=1:B8BAA86C-B3D4-4A02-8713-03FE4B7AC42D ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --partition-guid=2:BC9CC09F-D739-4FF3-9650-72FD84BD92AB ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --partition-guid=3:98D35356-2FB2-4A07-A1F3-1ACF486F8642 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --partition-guid=4:6848A458-2A6C-4C73-AD6D-6B6CC9DAF8D6 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --partition-guid=5:262EFA0A-1DE4-4DC1-B2F7-F203A8D2A712 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
# Partiton type
sgdisk --typecode=1:2700 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --typecode=2:EF00 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --typecode=3:0C01 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --typecode=4:0700 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --typecode=5:2700 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
# Partition name
sgdisk --change-name=1:"Basic data partition" ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --change-name=2:"EFI system partition" ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --change-name=3:"Microsoft reserved partition" ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --change-name=4:"Basic data partition" ${BOOT_DEVICE}
# Partition attributes
sgdisk --attributes=1:set:0  ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --attributes=1:set:63 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --attributes=2:set:63 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --attributes=3:set:63 ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --attributes=5:set:0  ${BOOT_DEVICE}
sgdisk --attributes=5:set:63 ${BOOT_DEVICE}

exit $error

Markus Köberl
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