Dualboot-Installations fails for boot to Windows 10 after running fai

Markus Köberl markus.koeberl at tugraz.at
Mon Oct 4 20:29:49 CEST 2021

On Monday, 4 October 2021 12:34:35 CEST Sven Schumacher wrote:

> What does setup-storage do (or the used programs behind that tool), that
> the windows-bootloader can't find the C: partition after using fai?

setup-storage recreates the partition table. therefore the partition table and 
all partitions get different ids.
at least with MS-DOS partition table this was the case for the partition id, 
with GPT partition table I never searched what exactly is necessary.

I am using a mountdisks hook to restore the ids using sgdisk.

> Thanks for any input... If I didn't find the solution I have to boot 140
> PCs with Windows-USB-Stick to type the bcdedit lines mentioned above...

I do have a windows 10 image which I restore on all my laboratory hosts.
after the restore I mount the C: partition and edit the registry using chntpw 
to replace the hostname.

If you are interested I can give you my scripts (which are very particular to 
my system) but they might help you finding a solution.

Markus Köberl
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