grub-install failing while kernel 5.10 and GRUB_EFI

Markus Rexhepi-Lindberg Markus.Rexhepi-Lindberg at
Fri May 28 11:36:36 CEST 2021

> While upgrading my FAI image to 5.10.1 it also updated the kernel to
> the latest one from buster-backports (as expected per my NFSROOT
> configuration) which currently is '5.10.0-0.bpo.3-amd64'. While doing
> this I noticed that new installs that are using EFI was not booting
> after FAI had run. The `grub-install` stage flagged with the
> following warning message.

This was fixed in version 5.10.3 by Thomas Lange [1]. Thanks Thomas!



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