Breaking change in buster dracut with Juniper switch dhcp

Justin Cattle j at
Tue Jan 12 22:58:10 CET 2021


Just a quick not on something we found recently in case it helps any else.

After rebuilding our NFS root using debian buster for initial testing, we
found that DHCP within the initrd created by dracut did not work, it just
timed out and never got a lease back from the switch [ Juniper Switches,
providing DHCP ].

We traced it back to this change in

send dhcp-client-identifier = hardware;

Adding that from the client, meant that due to the strictness of the
Juniper DHCP bindings, while the previous binding existed a lease would not
be given to this request.

The best solution for us is to patch the dracut package to remove that.

Actually it looks like the future for dracut is not using that set of
scripts anymore anyway, they are now referred to as legacy.  But for now,
this may help anyone else who finds the same issue using buster for the NFS



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