unmet dependencies during FAI installation

Étienne Mollier etienne.mollier at mailoo.org
Wed Jun 17 22:47:41 CEST 2020

Hi Dirk,

Dirk Geschke, on 2020-06-17 19:34:26 +0200:
> > has anyone an idea, why FAI is not installing e.g. xfce4:
> > 
> >  xfce4 : Depends: xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin but it is not going to be installed
> >          Depends: xfce4-session (>= 4.12.0) but it is not going to be installed
> > 
> > Usually FAI (and apt) automatically install all dependencies,
> > but in this case it does not happen. I'm wondering why....
> maybe I found the problem, there was also ligthdm in the 
> list, regarding
>    https://packages.debian.org/buster/lightdm
> it depends on logind or consolekit:
>    dep: logind
>        Package not available 
>    or consolekit
>        Package not available 
> Ok, I have never seen missing dependencies on debian stable...

Looking up at this outside FAI context, I did a few rounds of
debootstrap buster.  I hit a similar issue as yours at first,
and ended up needing to force specifiying dbus-user-session as
provider of dbus-session-bus to allow lightdm to install:

	sudo debootstrap buster chroot-buster/ \

Otherwise I was seeing this at the end of debootstrap output:

	W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This will be re-attempted up to five times.
	W: See /tmp/chroot-buster/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for details (possibly the package dconf-service is at fault)

and that as first instance of "dpkg: error" in the debootstrap

	dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of dconf-service:
	 dconf-service depends on default-dbus-session-bus | dbus-session-bus; however:
	  Package default-dbus-session-bus is not installed.
	  Package dbus-session-bus is not installed.
	dpkg: error processing package dconf-service (--configure):
	 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured

Not sure why the installation of lightdm is not seamless though.
This is reproducible either with debootstrap or apt on my side.

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier at mailoo.org>
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