Package dependency problems

John G Heim jheim at
Mon Jan 13 16:58:00 CET 2020

Well, I would imagine other people are going to run into this problem as 
time goes by. I suspect that if the new chromium-browser package that 
depends on snapd hasn't made it to the latest debian release, it will 
soon. So here is the hook I wrote to work around the problem. I am 
calling it instsoft.EOAN.

#! /bin/bash
$ROOTCMD dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/bin/snap.real 
$ROOTCMD rm -f /usr/bin/snap
$ROOTCMD ln -s /bin/true /usr/bin/snap
On 1/10/20 2:34 PM, Thomas Lange wrote:
> You can use dpkg-divert (also used by fai-divert) for diverting a
> file, even before it's installed I guess.
>>>>>> On Fri, 10 Jan 2020 14:11:43 -0600, John G Heim <jheim at> said:
>      > Geez, what a load of bullstuff.  Maybe I can add a hook to create that
>      > file before fai starts installing packages.

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