AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: nfsroot: dracut don't know to handle root=

Thomas Lange lange at
Tue Jan 8 10:11:24 CET 2019

>>>>> On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 09:07:14 +0000, "Schulz, Reiner" <R.Schulz at> said:

    > Sorry.
    > At the Debain Bug Tracker for dracut, i read a bug ticket which discusses the warning " ignored null byte in input " with dracut an bash 4.4
    > as i remember you wrote that this ist solved in current dracut version.
The next dracut version does add two more packages (dracut-squash,
dracut-live) which makes it difficult to prepare it for Debian 9
(stretch). Maybe I will only provide a newer dracut package for Debian 10.

regards Thomas

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