Raspberry PI 3 B+

Daniel Haensse daniel.haensse at swissembedded.com
Sat Apr 27 07:19:17 CEST 2019

Dear Andrew,

Dear Martin,

thank you for your valuable feedback, I found this debian armhf 
bootstrapping tool yesterday, which I will try to merge it with your 


Best Dani

swissEmbedded GmbH
Daniel Haensse, Dr. sc. techn. Dipl. El. Ing. ETH
Landstrasse 18, 5415 Rieden, Switzerland
Phone:  +41562100158
Fax:    +41562100157
Mobile: +41763207732
Email:  daniel.haensse at swissembedded.com
Webshop: http://www.solar-komplett.ch
Skype:  haenssedaniel
MWSt:   CHE-109.703.054 MWST

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