Raspberry PI 3 B+

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Fri Apr 26 11:53:07 CEST 2019


On Fri, 2019-04-26 at 06:56 +0200, Daniel Haensse wrote:
> Dear all
> I read that raspberry pi supports PXE boot and that it is enabled
> per 
> default on the latest B+ version. I'm wondering if there is anybody
> out 
> there using it with plain debian or raspbian yet?
> Maybe even on qemu with arm emulation on x64 platform?

I wasn't aware that PXE boot was enabled by default now - that's much
nicer! I have a Pi 3B+ here which I can't use as the SD card slot is
damaged and we didn't enable PXE boot before the slot was damaged.

Yes, I'm doing this with an NFSROOT provided from a Debian Stretch
machine as the server. I install the NFSROOTs using debootstrap with --
foreign, which allows to just chroot into them if I need to compile
things, or install other packages. This is very handy!

I'm not using FAI to do this yet. ;)

All of this is currently deployed via Ansible playbooks. I've been
meaning to write a blog post about this and publish the playbooks...
Information from my previous iteration is here:


Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew at etc.gen.nz              | linux.conf.au 2020, Gold Coast, AU
Catalyst Cloud:                |    https://lca2020.linux.org.au/
   https://catalystcloud.nz    |

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