Other distributions

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Mon Apr 8 13:13:48 CEST 2019

>>>>> On Mon, 08 Apr 2019 13:06:24 +0200, Vinzenz Vietzke <vv at tuxedocomputers.com> said:

    > I'm currently looking for a way to preseed other distributions that Deb and 
    > RPM based ones. Preferably I'd like to get this done with FAI. Does anyone 
    > have experience with Archlinux combined with FAI?
Extending FAI with Archlinux support shouldn't be that hard.
The only thing that is distro specific is the part of installing
sotware packages. IIRC it was like 10 lines of perl code for adding
dnf/yum suport. The package names may be different, but the
partitioning part is distro independent. We also need a base file for
Archlinux. Is there something like debootstrap for Archlinux?

regards Thomas

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