fai-cd not bootable on some computers

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Sun Apr 7 19:49:07 CEST 2019

>>>>> On Sun, 07 Apr 2019 18:00:32 +0200, Christian Meyer <c2h5oh at web.de> said:

Hi Christian,

    > Two computers didn't boot at all, 8 Laptops showed a warning "no
    > bootable media" or "no bootable partition" (but luckily booted after a
I guess these are older computers that failed to boot.

    > My points are:
    > a) Is it possible (for others having a better FAI-expirience) to
    > document the workaround
    > here: http://fai-project.org/fai-guide/
    > and there: https://fai-project.org/doc/man/fai-cd.html
It's already in the later URL.
It would be nice if you could send me a patch for the fai-guide or
open a merge request on github.

    > b) Since I want to provide my modification to others: Is it possible to
    >  change the boot-flag in the ISO-image before dd-ing it to a pendrive?
    > Next time I will try something like:
    > # parted /path/to/fai.iso set 1 boot on
    > before writing the image.
I will try this during the next days.

    > c) The new man-page let me think the issue still is present in version
    > 5.8.4. Wouldn't it be possible to change fai-cd to make the first
    > partition bootable by default?
If this works, we need a bug report, so I can fix it for the next FAI
release and upload it.

    > Thank you for your hard work,
Thanks for the report.

regards Thomas

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