UEFI issues booting into FAI sysinfo on Dell PowerEdge

Rémy Dernat remy.d1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 15:06:24 CEST 2018


I suggest you to retrieve the version of SYSLINUX 6.04; look here for more
informations :

BTW, sometimes an update of the firmware on the client give great results.

Best regards,

Le lun. 3 sept. 2018 à 14:27, Steffen Grunewald <
steffen.grunewald at aei.mpg.de> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I've been using FAI for years now, and could always avoid UEFI - until last
> week when a coworker asked me to "quickly" run a sysinfo for one of his new
> machines.
> Of course, it comes with UEFI activated.
> After finding how to distinguish between BIOS and UEFI PXE requests, and
> setting up the DHCP/TFTP server accordingly, it was only "yet another step"
> to find and add ldlinux.e64 to get the machine booting.
> It requests the kernel, and loads it.
> It requests the initrd, and hangs doing so.
> /var/log/daemon shows both requests and nothing more after them.
> There's a warning
>  "core_udb_sendto: stalling on configure with no mapping"
> further up the boot screen, but I'm not sure it'd be related.
> The corresponding pxelinux.cfg file was created once, worked in legacy
> mode.
> Unfortunately, UEFI-related FAI documentation is very sparse, and I may
> have
> overlooked something?
> Machine is a Dell one (if this makes a difference), PowerEdge R840.
> Fortunately, the machines were able to boot in legacy mode, so the goal was
> reached to a major extent (I couldn't test EFI detection though, not run
> "efibootmgr -v" within one of the class scripts).
> Any suggestions what to try next?
> Thanks,
>  Steffen
> --
> Steffen Grunewald, Cluster Administrator
> Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
> Am Mühlenberg 1 * D-14476 Potsdam-Golm * Germany
> ~~~
> Fon: +49-331-567 7274
> Mail: steffen.grunewald(at)aei.mpg.de
> ~~~
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