setup-storage bug ? Version 1.7 VS 2.0 (and now VS 2.1)

Sylvain MILOT sylvain at
Wed Jun 20 03:23:28 CEST 2018


On Fri, 15 Jun 2018, Sylvain MILOT wrote:

> I think I may have stumbled on a serious issue with setup-storage 2.0 (fai 
> 5.3.6~bpo8+1) ... unless my config is wrong but I've used such configs with 
> setup-storage 1.7 (fai 4.3.1+wheezy1). I can't confirm since my old 
> 4.3.1+wheezy1 nfsroot is incompatible with my new hardware (reason why I 
> moved to 5.3.6~bpo8+1 with a more recent kernel).

the issue persists after upgrading my jessie nfsroot with FAI 5.7 
(setup-storage 2.1) in regards to "preserve_lazy:bic_pv-_exp"

I did realize my error for /export02 and now use the correct device number, 
i.e. preserve_lazy:2 - this works.

I tried "disk_config lvm preserve_lazy:all" and nothing is preserved. I 
attached format.log (debug mode is set this time).

I'm not sure what else to try, aside from doing away with lvm but I have a lot 
of systems using this type of config.

I will build a stretch nfsroot with custom kernel and report back ... although 
I don't really expect any changes.

Sylvain Milot (sylvain at
               (sylvain.milot at
Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University Street, Webster 2B, Room 206
Montreal, Qc., Canada, H3A 2B4
Phone  : (514) 398-4965, Fax: 398-8948
Mobile : (514) 712-1768
Office : Room NW119 (North Wing)
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