FAI setup for BeeGFS with ZFS, Re: Use of /dev/disk/by-path/... in disk_config?

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at aei.mpg.de
Thu Jan 25 09:31:01 CET 2018

On Wed, 2018-01-24 at 10:05:09 +0100, Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 24 Jan 2018 09:03:04 +0100, Steffen Grunewald <steffen.grunewald at aei.mpg.de> said:
>     > Still, FAI doesn't seem to offer an option to handle unpartitioned disks to
>     > be formatted as ext4 (I couldn't find any documentation involving "raw-disk"
> Here's an example line:
> raw-disk / 4GB ext4 rw createopts="-F"
> -F helps mkfs not to stop and ask some questions.

Please add this to the documentation somewhere, all I could find was the "- 0 - -"
line (to be used by lvm or raid later), and did not expect this to be more capable.

For a BeeGFS metadata storage, add "-i 2048 -I 512 -J size=400 -Odir_index,filetype".

For ZFS-based storage, a hook seems to be unavoidable - and better management of
large JBODs could make good use of multipathing. Mapping physical locations to
/dev/mapper/disk${index} would be a plus...
I won't pursue this any further now but will keep it on my list.


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