FAI disk_config creating duplicate tmpfs entries in /etc/fstab

Pietro Stäheli pietro.staeheli at ngworx.ag
Mon Apr 30 14:06:47 CEST 2018


I've set a tmpfs mountpoint for FAI installations in disk_config/FAIBASE as

disk_config tmpfs
tmpfs /tmp RAM:20% defaults

This works fine on the automatically installed hosts, but from
scripts/FAIBASE/10-misc another tmpfs line is added in /etc/fstab:

tmpfs     /tmp tmpfs     nodev,nosuid,size=50%,mode=1777   0    0

That leads to following error message during bootup:

systemd-fstab-generator[188]: Failed to create mount unit file
/run/systemd/generator/tmp.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in

I could just comment/delete the line in 10-misc, but is there a recommended
workaround for this? Is this behavior intended?

Best regards,
Pietro Stäheli
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