cryptsetup and btrfs

Kai Wilke kiste at
Sun Jan 1 23:02:42 CET 2017


sorry for my english.

I have a problem with partitioning using cryptsetup and btrfs.
The installation stops with an error and after a long time try
and reading documentation i know no further.

Error in task partition. Code: 710.

Meine disk_config:
disk_config disk1 disklabel:gpt-bios bootable:3

primary   -      1        -         -   createopts="-L grub"
primary   -      8192     -         -   createopts="-L swap"
primary   -      200      -         -   createopts="-L boot"
primary   -      0-       -         -   createopts="-L crypt"

disk_config cryptsetup
swap    swap    /dev/sda2    swap  sw
luks    -       /dev/sda4    -  -  createopts="-c aes-xts-plain64 -h

disk_config btrfs fstabkey:uuid
btrfs  single  /boot  sda3     rw,subvol=@boot,compress=lzo,noatime
btrfs  single  /      sda4     rw,subvol=@/,compress=lzo,noatime
btrfs  single  /home  sda4     rw,subvol=@home,compress=lzo,noatime
btrfs  single  /usr   sda4     rw,subvol=@usr,compress=lzo,noatime
btrfs  single  /var   sda4     rw,subvol=@var,compress=lzo,noatime

fai.log: ERROR (line17): Invalid volume: Was expecting /^vg\s+/, or
fai.log: ERROR (line17): Invalid line: Was expecting ´\n´ but found
fai.log:Syntax error
fai.log:Error in task partition. Code: 710
fai.log:Traceback: task_error task_partition task task_install task
task_action task main
format.log: ERROR (line17): Invalid Volume: Was expecting /^vg\s+/, or
format.log: ERROR (line17): Invalid line: Was expecting ´\n´ but found
format.log:Syntax error

Releases: fai-5.3.2, cryptsetup-2:1.7.3-3, btrfs-progs-4.7.3-1,
Debian stretch

Thank you in advance.

Greeting Kai
Netzworkk                   grml - Linux Live CD fuer Sysadmins
Kai Wilke         
kiste at
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