Missing Sections in FAI Documentation

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Tue Dec 26 16:17:52 CET 2017

Oh, these sections are empty since they were added. For the next FAI
version I've added some text to them, but more information on these
parts are in the chapter

>>>>> On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 14:24:04 -0600, Itamar Gal <itamarggal at gmail.com> said:

    > Dear FAI Users:
    > While reading through the official FAI documentation I noticed that
    > two sections appear to be empty, specifically the section named
    > "Extract base file":

    > http://fai-project.org/fai-guide/#_a_id_extrbase_a_extract_base_file

    > and the (adjacent) section named "Debconf preseeding":

    > http://fai-project.org/fai-guide/#_a_id_debconf_a_debconf_preseeding

    > Is there content missing from the documentation? Or are these sections
    > no longer relevant?
regards Thomas

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