Preserving encrypted disks

Paul Schulz paul at
Wed Sep 21 05:49:20 CEST 2016

Hi Andrew,

(How is the Isle of the Long White Cloud?)

Are the encrypted disks separate? (ed. sdc,sdd?)
If so, you could run it in a hook script with just the drives you want to
partition. Using the '-D' option allows you to set the disks.

Paul Schulz

On Wed, 21 Sep 2016 at 10:43 Andrew Ruthven <andrew at> wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm happily creating encrypted file systems now, which is great, but
> I'd like to look forward to having to rebuild the system. The encrypted
> file systems are for data storage only. Ideally if we rebuild the
> server, the data storage disks would be left alone.
> I've run into three problems here:
> 1) preserve for LUKS isn't supported.
> 2) preserve_always requires the disks to already be configured and
> won't change them.
> 3) preserve_reinstall requires you to set a class for the first build.
> To resolve 1, ideally setup-storage would honour preserve flags and let
> me worry about the crypt files etc.
> But the behaviour with 2 & 3 are a problem. Ideally we'd have
> lazyformat back. ;)  I don't want to have to set any classes for the
> first build, or modify the disk_config for future builds.
> I could potentially have a class file that looks to see if a partition
> exists on the first hard drive, and if it doesn't exist, set the
> INITIAL class. But that seems a bit brittle to me.
> How are others handling that situation?
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
> andrew at             | 2017, Hobart, AU
>   New Zealand's only Cloud:   |   The Future of Open Source
> |
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