stretch and grub on LVM

Sven Schumacher schumacher at
Wed Sep 7 18:24:53 CEST 2016

Hi Thomas,

shouldn't grub be installed in the mbr of the used harddrives (e.g. /dev/sda and /dev/sdb) of the lvm, if / is on lvm-volumes?
IMHO the grub.cfg etc should be in /boot/grub (so no problem while /boot has its own partition - /boot inside the lvm-Volume might be inaccessable for grub)

Have a nice day


> Am 07.09.2016 um 17:29 schrieb Thomas Lange <lange at>:
> I can confirm this problem on jessie (did not tested stretch yet).
> Before trying to fix it for stretch, I like to understand what should
> happen, and why the GRUB_PC/10-setup script does not work in this
> situation.
> In my test BOOT_DEVICE was aslso set to /dev/vg1/root and
> BOOT_PARTITION was not set at all. Then GROOT was set to something like
> (lvmid/2Mf5k7ul-..........)
> Does anyone knows which values should be the right ones?
> Which device/partition should grub be written to?
> -- 
> regards Thomas
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