Canonical way to upgrade an existing nfsroot?

Steffen Grunewald Steffen.Grunewald at
Tue Sep 6 16:05:04 CEST 2016

On Tue, 2016-09-06 at 15:51:06 +0200, Steffen Grunewald wrote:
> Apparently I have killed a working nfsroot by naively running "apt-get upgrade".
> What's the canonical way to keep a nfsroot updated? Would it be sufficient
> to "hold" the dracut* packages so their postinst scripts don't fail?

To avoid all sorts of hassle, I decided to rebuild the nfsroots (jessie, stretch)
from scratch. I'm running into Debian bug #830229 now (jessie/koeln, 044+109-1).
This did happen before as well (044+105-2) but I didn't notice, and stretch
seems to be unaffected (so this may actually be a policy/dpkg issue?).

Back to reinstalling my manual changes...

- S 

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