scripts don't execute

Denny Bortfeldt denny at
Fri Jun 24 16:16:45 CEST 2016

Are you sure that your script in <CLASS>/<nr>-<name> got chmod +x ? Without
execution flag the script will not get executed.

2016-06-24 15:59 GMT+02:00 Ronald Steele <rsteele at>:

> I’m trying to use scripts to install application software.   The scripts
> never get executed.
> If I embed the same script code into to one of the existing scripts (say
> CENTOS) the code works, however any scripts I create are never executed.
> The script’s file permissions are the same as the existing scripts.  The
> class name is defined in .../class/50-host-classes and appears in the log
> files in variables.log and fai.log (but never in shell.log).
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Ron
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