faiserver on virtualbox (5.0.16)

Ronald Steele rsteele at adaptivemethods.com
Thu Apr 14 15:46:38 CEST 2016

I posted a month or two ago about issues with creating VirtualBox clients with FAI.
I finally have it working.  I’m not completely sure what the issue was, but Thomas posted about increasing the memory size when installing Ubuntu, so I thought I would give it a try, even though I’m installing Debian and Centos.  This didn’t fix the problem but it did allow more of the errors that did occur to be reported, so there was an obviously an issue there.

The larger issue was getting the debrepo/yum repos working.  Since the clients are on a private network they can’t access publicly available repos.  This turns out to be very simple to fix once you know how, but I never found the documentation on how to do it. For the curious this is the way I did it.  I’m not saying it’s the best or only way.
for Debian clients on a private network:
	modify the nfsroot/etc/apt/sources.list (and any references in subdirectories under apt) to point to faiserver
	in /src/fail/config/class/DEBIAN.var edit APTPROXY to point to faiserver.

Someone please correct this if it’s wrong:
I don’t have debian base files installed.  I think this means that nfsroot is used for the base files.  I believe that if debian base files are installed then the sources.list files in those base files need to be modified or a hook needs to be written to copy the modified files in nfsroot/etc/apt over to /target/etc/apt. (like Centos below)

for Centos clients on a private network.
I had to download a yum repository as I couldn’t figure out how to get a proxy set up to work for yum.
I then had to configure apache on faiserver to point to the nfsroot/etc/yum.conf and nfsroot/etc/yum.repos.d
I then modified the yum config files in nfsroot/etc/yum.conf and nfsroot/etc/yum.repos.d to point to faiserver
finally I  added lines to the CENTOS hook to copy those files to /target/etc/...


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