
Werner.Pommerer at uni-hohenheim.de Werner.Pommerer at uni-hohenheim.de
Wed Mar 25 13:54:27 CET 2015


root at btwp3:/tmp>fai-make-nfsroot -fv
Using configuration files from /etc/fai
Creating FAI nfsroot in /srv/fai/nfsroot
mv: cannot move `/srv/fai/nfsroot' to  
`/srv/fai/nfsroot/../.will-now-be-deleted/nfsroot': Directory not empty
Log file written to /var/log/fai/fai-make-nfsroot.log

----- Nachricht von Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de> ---------
      Datum: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 18:02:38 +0100
        Von: Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de>
Antwort an: fully automatic installation for Linux <linux-fai at uni-koeln.de>
    Betreff: Re: fai-make-nfsroot
         An: fully automatic installation for Linux <linux-fai at uni-koeln.de>

>>>>>> On Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:06:05 +0100, "Werner Pommerer"  
>>>>>> <werner.pommerer at uni-hohenheim.de> said:
>     > after a new fai version on the the fai-server is installed,  
> what is the correct way,
>     > the install-clients will use this new version. I got troubles  
> after fai-make-nfsroot –f.
>     > The client installation failed completely.
> Please add some more detailed error description.
> First try fai-make-nfsroot -fv and see if this runs smoothly without
> any errors.
> --
> regards Thomas

----- Ende der Nachricht von Thomas Lange  
<lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de> -----

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