putting a label on a disk

Bob Apodaca bob at phxlab.honeywell.com
Thu Jul 16 18:33:12 CEST 2015

On 07/16/2015 09:22 AM, John G Heim wrote:
> All,
> Question related to those I asked earlier in the week... Can 
> setup-storage put a label on a disk partition so that it can be 
> mounted via the label rather than the uuid?  I am guessing not 
> beccause parted doesn't do that (as far as I can tell). I guess I can 
> use e2label and xfs_admin in a script. But But I think I am going to 
> have to reproduce some of the logic in setup-storage in order to make 
> sure the label matches the partition.
You can use "createopts" to pass an option to mkfs, like this:

primary /             8192-    ext4      rw,errors=remount-ro 
createopts="-L root"


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