AW: AW: Error message after installing via fai-cd before reboot with UBUNTU

Fabian Hartmann fabian.hartmann at
Mon Jan 5 15:31:50 CET 2015

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: linux-fai [mailto:linux-fai-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Holger
> Parplies
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014 11:10
> An: fully automatic installation for Linux
> Betreff: Re: AW: Error message after installing via fai-cd before reboot with
> Aren't hooks run *before* the task? I remember a tip I have read here and
> successfully used for emulating a post-hook:
> 	#!/bin/bash
> 	task_mountdisks
> 	skiptask mountdisks
> 	# your code goes here
> After all, making the directory and mounting the tmpfs *before* task
> mountdisks would explain why it's not visible ;-).

You're right, any hook is run *before* the task as documented in here:

Now I did move the script to faiend.DEFAULT, which fixed my issue!

# hooks/faiend.DEFAULT
#! /bin/bash

mkdir -p $target/tmp
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $target/tmp

Thanks for your comments!


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