Kein Betreff

steven.wend at steven.wend at
Fri Dec 4 09:48:46 CET 2015

Hi fai-guys,


I just updated our FAI-Server from 4.x to 5.0 ( thanks a lot and a lot of 
respect for the done job!). I updated our Debian 8 NFS-Root and everything 
works fine.


We also have an installation for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS depending on this 
tutorial (
<> . 
Inside the tutorial the problems using dracut are apointed and how to use 
live-boot instead of dracut.


After the update to Fai-Server 5.0 the flag -l (live-boot) has been removed 
inside fai-make-nfsroot (we called fai-make-nfsroot -l -v -f -C 


Does anyone has any tips handling this?


Thanks and regards,



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