FAI 4.3.2: Fehler bei setup-storage 1.7

looper looper at gmx.li
Thu Apr 30 16:53:03 CEST 2015


seit der Umstellung von Debian Wheezy auf Jessie schlägt die 
Installation mit FAI fehl. Hier die Daten aus dem FAI-Client:

fai-client                         4.3.2
fai-setup-storage           4.3.2
liblinux-lvm-perl              0.17-2
lvm2                              2.02.111-2.2

Fehlermeldung aus fai.log:

Starting setup-storage 1.7
Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/BASIS
     DEGRADED MODE. Incomplete RAID LVs will be processed.
     Creating directory "/run/lock/lvm"
     Finding all volume groups
   No volume groups found
Preserved partition /dev/sda1 does not end at a cylinder boundary, 
parted may fail to restore the partition!
Preserved partition /dev/sda5 does not end at a cylinder boundary, 
parted may fail to restore the partition!
/dev/sda5 will be preserved
/dev/sda2 will be resized
/dev/sda1 will be preserved
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary "" 1048576B 525336575B
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda mkpart extended "" 525336576B 17179869183B
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda mkpart logical "" 525337600B 2672821247B
Command had non-zero exit code
Error in task partition. Code: 710

Weiß jemand Rat?

Danke, Peter

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