SverigeLinux: With FAI as an important component.
Anders Jackson
jackson at
Wed Apr 15 19:49:03 CEST 2015
Just for information.
Have you seen this? It is a project done by money from .SE (Swedish top
domain) about installing Linux on small nets.
Mathias Friman and Östersunds kommun was in charge of the project.
It uses among other things Debian and FAI. (Home page with YT video) (GitHUib Page) (Project presentation
on .SE).
Anders Jackson, universitetsadjunkt i datavetenskap, Högskolan i Gävle
Tel: 026 648764 | Fax: 026 648758 | Webb:
Rum: 99:533 | Högskolan i Gävle, ATM-akademin, SE-801 76 GÄVLE
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