FAI and APT packages

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Tue Apr 14 11:55:53 CEST 2015

>>>>> On Thu, 9 Apr 2015 23:26:48 +0100, Rui Teixeira <ruiteixeira18 at gmail.com> said:

    > I'm here to ask if someone can explain to me how the freaking apt packages works with FAI.
    > I have simple repositories on my /etc/apt/ and /etc/fai/apt/ sources.list. I've added the keys to my system and all works great.
    > Then, when I try to execute 
    > fai-mirror -v -c MY_CLASSES /media/mirror/
    > I get multiple errors like the following
    > No keyring installed in /media/mirror/aptcache/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.

Yes, this is a missing feature. If we add some code to copy the
trusted.gpg data into the partitial mirror, then fai-mirror must be
called as root. Currently you should call it as a normal user.
Do you have any patch for me?

    > Nothing solves this problem and I didn't find so much information googling. can someone explain me how this works? I'll be very grateful...
You have to copy the trusted.gpg data into the diurectory of the
mirror. Look here:

    > No keyring installed in /media/mirror/aptcache/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
regards Thomas

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