fai in trusty

Marcus Karlsson mk at acc.umu.se
Thu May 8 17:42:56 CEST 2014

On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 02:57:29PM +0200, Bernhard Glomm wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm forced to use trusty
> and rolling out my new fai instance I stumble over a bunch of "uups" and
> "OMGs".
> just want to check if there is any similar experience and if so, if that is
> intended behaviour or might get fixed in a new version...
> ...
> This is on a plain fresh trusty with 
> fai version 3.4.8ubuntu5

I stopped using the Ubuntu provided version of FAI long ago. The
repository at fai-project.org is much more up to date and usually works
just fine with Ubuntu anyway. I'm using it with Trusty and can't say
that I've run into any of the problems you've had. Can't say for sure
about the fai-chboot issues though since I'm still using 3.4 on Solaris
for that.


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