File-based capabilities missing after installation

Marcus Karlsson mk at
Thu May 8 08:43:25 CEST 2014

On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 02:58:34PM +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 6 May 2014 14:21:35 +0200, Marcus Karlsson <mk at> said:
>     > unable to use the ping program. It turns out that Ubuntu nowdays (at
>     > least 14.04) don't use setuid for ping and relies on file based
>     > capabiltiies instead. But this is not preserved during the installation.
>     > Has anyone else run into this, or has any ideas on what we can do to
>     > solve it? Reinstalling the package fixes it but we would like to avoid
>     > that if possible.
> Can you have a look at the postisnt script of the package which you
> have reinstalled (I guess the package that contains the ping
> executable). What do they do inside this script to set the
> capabiltiies?

if [ "$1" = configure ]; then
    # If we have setcap is installed, try setting cap_net_raw+ep,
    # which allows us to install our binaries without the setuid
    # bit.
    if command -v setcap > /dev/null; then
        if setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping6; then
            echo "Setcap worked! Ping(6) is not suid!"
            echo "Setcap failed on /bin/ping, falling back to setuid" >&2
            chmod u+s /bin/ping /bin/ping6
        echo "Setcap is not installed, falling back to setuid" >&2
        chmod u+s /bin/ping /bin/ping6

Looks like they simply attemt to invoke setcap and falls back to setting
the suid bit if it fails or is unavailable.

> Maybe we only need to add the libcap2 package into FAI?

I'm not sure if that will help. Iputils-ping is installed as part of
base.tar.xz so that would be where the capabilities are dropped. GNU
Tar does not support capabilities as far as I know, although Fedora is
working on local patches for it [1]. A solution could be to use a
modified version of tar when creating and extracting it.



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