Change or bug in "file"-command evtl. messed-up "fai-do-scripts" execution

René Bleisch accounts at
Fri Mar 21 12:06:02 CET 2014

Apparently, something went amiss with the linux "file" command since it 
was last updated in apt... (last week or so)

At least, my perl configure-scripts are not recognized anymore as 
perl-scripts, but as awk-scripts.

On a machine which was last updated 10.3.2014, the script was recognized 
     root at phkup46:/var/lib/fai/config/scripts/NFS_CLIENT# file -bL 
     a /usr/bin/perl -w script text executable

But on a machine updated last week, it  gives:
     root at kupmenai:/var/lib/fai/config/scripts/NFS_CLIENT# file -bL 
*awk* script, ASCII text

which is wrong.

I didnt change the file inbetween and the file correctly starts with 
"#!/usr/bin/perl -w" in the header

In the following, my perl configure scripts are not executed anymore by 
"fai-do-scripts" and I got errors like:
"file NFS_CLIENT/10-create-directories has unsupported type awk script, 
ASCII text".

- Does anyone also have this problem?
- Does anyone have a solution?
(I will also try to find one by myself)

René Bleisch
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