[schaefer at alphanet.ch: Simple system-wide autoconfiguration for GNOME 3]

Toomas Tamm tt-fai at kky.ttu.ee
Thu Jun 19 18:05:51 CEST 2014

> gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml::/usr/yki/etc/gconf/defaults --set $1 --type $3 $2

One additional nuace: you must ensure that all the directories and files
which are part of the gnome configuration space (/usr/yki/etc/gconf in
our case) are world-readable. Depending on the umask when the script is
executed, this may not always be the case. Thus we also run

find /usr/yki/etc/gconf -type d -not -perm 755 -exec chmod 755 \{\}
find /usr/yki/etc/gconf -type f -not -perm 644 -exec chmod 644 \{\}

at the appropriate point after the configuration is done.


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