Clarification for NFSROOT ?

George VerDuin gfv2008-home at
Sat Jan 4 21:35:02 CET 2014


Let's start with the content of pxelinux.cfg/file.  My FAI is 4.0.8.  In 
the boot string is found the parm.:
The above works fine for my LAN.

BUT:  In order to obtain this parm requires manual editing to insert 
both the ip and vers into the text following creation of the file by 
fai-chboot.   I'm searching for a better approach.

I find that nfsroot for fai-chboot is supplied by the server host 
/etc/fai/nfsroot.conf file.  A quote from the fai-guide is as follows:
    "Definitions that are only used for creating the nfsroot are located 
in nfsroot.conf."
The way I find that nfsroot.conf file works is:
   A) NFSROOT=/srv/fai/nfsroot
       works correctly for fai-setup while creating nfsroot per the 
       works correctly for fai-chboot while building a pxelinux.cfg/file.

SO -- I know A) works to create nfsroot, and B) works to access 
nfsroot.  Am I correct in thinking that what works for accessing nfsroot 
[B] does not work also for creating nfsroot?

In looking thru FAI mail list that a similar subject was discussed a 
month ago and a couple bugs are filed with debian.  To modify fai-chboot 
in order to supply both the prefix "ip:" and the suffix ":vers" is 
beyond my comfort level.  My question is:
    Is there a better way already under consideration?

Thanks in advance to anyone with a simple answer.

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