choose a distro&rev

George VerDuin gfv2008-home at
Thu Mar 21 16:46:44 CET 2013

It's a wonderful concept Toomas...

On 03/20/2013 06:14 AM, Toomas Tamm wrote:
> Setting up the virtual networking in the underlying machine may be a bit
> complicated if you have not done this before
I have not gotten my head fully around the benefit of fewer services on 
many VMs versus more services on one hardware yet.  The small part I do 
understand revolves around experimentation.  I have started into 
virtualization, but prioritize VM behind FAI and LTSP as projects in 
today's list.  I expect to get to your reality, but later rather than 

I do have a partial answer for the squeeze abort however:
Based on recent experience, I've chosen to dedicate the new server to 
wheezy even though it is more "bleeding edge" than I normally choose.  
While installing wheezy testing in the same method as squeeze 6.0.7 the 
"Detect network hardware" phase took a long pause [stressful] then 
announced that non-free software was missing from available sources.  I 
chose the "NO" option to bypass the need to supply the 
"tigon/tg3_tso.bin" package and the install proceeded without further 
problem.  I conclude that squeeze has the same problem but fails to 
announce the issue.

So -- I don't yet know the consequences of the above decisions, but all 
seems well so far.  At least anything I might be able to contribute to 
FAI project can be based on current software rather than old?


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