Having a problem with setup-storage trying to partition

Ken Hahn khahn at engr.wisc.edu
Wed Jun 12 23:01:30 CEST 2013


I was wondering if I could get any help debugging the following error
message, which I am getting when trying to partition a disk in fai:

Starting setup-storage 1.4
Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/OFFICE
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda unit B print free
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda unit chs print free
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "vg"
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "vg"
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "vg"
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "vg"
Executing: mdadm --examine --scan --verbose -c partitions
Cannot satisfy pre-depends for true:
-- system left untouched.
Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task
task_install task task_action task main

The un-commented OFFICE config looks like the following (also note

disk_config disk1 disklabel:msdos bootable:1 fstabkey:uuid align-at:1M
primary        /boot            224M        ext3   
defaults,rw,errors=panic createopts="-L boot" tuneopts="-c 90 -i 90d"
primary        -            70G-        -    -
vg vg disk1.2
disk_config    lvm fstabkey:device preserve_reinstall:vg-local.hd
vg-swap        swap            4G-8G        swap    sw createopts="-L swap"
vg-root        /            36G-40G        ext4   
defaults,rw,errors=panic,relatime createopts="-L root" tuneopts="-c 90
-i 90d"
vg-var        /var            3G-5G        ext4   
defaults,rw,errors=panic,relatime createopts="-L var" tuneopts="-c 90 -i
vg-fscache    /var/cache/fscache    8G-16G        ext4   
defaults,rw,errors=panic,user_xattr,relatime createopts="-L fscache"
tuneopts="-c 90 -i 90d"
vg-local.hd    /local.hd        512M-90%    ext4   
createopts="-L local.hd -m 1" tuneopts="-c 90 -i 90d"
vg-unused    -            5G-10G        -    -
vg-distfs    -            10G        -    -

I have the debug output from the setup-storage that I can send
separately, if requested.

Appreciate any help,


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