errors while running fai-mirror

Jurrie Overgoor jurrie at
Wed May 23 12:28:14 CEST 2012

On 11/22/2011 11:05 AM, Martin Konrad wrote:
> Hi,
>>      >  ERROR: 65280 65280
>>      >  ERROR:  aptitude -R -d<...>
>> Maybe your local mirror is not in a proper state. Please try using an
>> official mirror.
> I tried that with but there are still some of
> the error messages :-(

Hello Martin,

Recently, I bumped into the same problem you had. It is a bug in 
Aptitude. There seems to be a bug in aptitude with the -d switch. It 
creates an infinite loop. This is fixed in aptitude 0.6.7-1.

I previously had Aptitude 0.6.6-1ubuntu1, and after I manually 
downloaded and installed 0.6.7-1 the infinite loop is gone.

I still don't have a proper partial mirror though. Fai-mirror is 
failing! Did you by any chance bumped into this problem as well, and 
managed to solve this?

With kind regards,


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