fai-setup on "ubuntu 12.04 LTS precise" does not complete

Hiro Protagonist spam at swisscoast.ch
Wed Jun 6 11:34:24 CEST 2012

looks very much like it! sorry, forgot to check in launchpad before 
writing to the list...

confirmed! the workaround presented on launchpad works!

thanks a lot!

On 06/06/2012 11:09 AM, Thomas Lange wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 06 Jun 2012 10:32:35 +0200, Hiro Protagonist<spam at swisscoast.ch>  said:
>      >  i tried to run fai-setup on "ubuntu 12.04 LTS precise"
>      >  (fai-server:3.4.8ubuntu2). fai-setup terminated with the following error
>      >  message:
>      >  chroot: failed to run command `aptitude': No such file or directory
> I think you've hit this bug.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fai/+bug/714570

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